Renowned producer Master Chris "El Científico" ("The Scientist"), known for his collaborations with global icons such as J. Balvin, Alexis y Fido, Zion & Lennox, Eddy Herrera, and Rochy RD, among others, has signed with Warner Music Latina to embark on a quest for La Nueva Cepa ("The New Strain") of Latin American music.
"La Nueva Cepa" is an artistic project driven by the desire to discover new musical talents, bringing together composers, producers, and performers to showcase and promote their art to the world, with the support of the renowned Latin music label, Warner Music Latina.
The album, comprising 12 songs from diverse regions and musical genres, will follow a creative process that includes various stages, from music camps to the final audiovisual recording. The project will also feature collaborations with prominent voices from the global music scene, contributing their expertise to further amplify Latin culture.
Master Chris's innovative format aims to provide a platform for aspiring artists, allowing them not only to bring their ideas to life in the studio but also to receive support and guidance from a powerhouse like Warner Music Latina. The culmination of their musical projects will be showcased at Premios HEAT, enhancing their exposure and presentation.
La Nueva Cepa initially originated in the Dominican Republic and Ecuador, and it is now preparing to expand its reach to countries such as Colombia, Peru, Mexico, and more in its first phase, welcoming artists from all musical genres.
For all the latest updates and information on the music camps featuring Latin American stars of La Nueva Cepa, you can follow the progress through the Losheat.tv app and the social media accounts @masterchrismusic and @lanuevacepamusic.